How to distinguish, compare masks KN95 and N95?

Author MonaMask

December 3, 2020

By the end of 2019, due to the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, KN95 and N95 masks have become a fairly HOT item in the market in all countries. However, many people wonder what is the difference between the KN95 and N95 mask standards. Meanwhile, someone mistakenly thinks two concepts are one. The following article will help you better understand the origin of KN95, N95 and how to distinguish between these two standards. Do not ignore you!

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N95 mask

1. What are KN95 mask and N95 mask?

1.1. What is a KN95 mask?

KN95 respirator is a Chinese standard against fine dust (GB2626-2006) that refers to the mask’s performance that can filter 95% of PM 2.5 fine dust (Dust type 0.3 micrometer 1/10 human hair.

According to this standard, the filter element is divided into KN and KP according to the filtering efficiency. Of which:

+ KN is suitable for filtering oil-free, non-greasy particles such as dust, mist and microorganisms. Dust particles in air pollution are generally considered to be an oil-free.

+ KP is suitable for filtering both oil seeds and oil free.

→ According to the level of filtration efficiency, the level of the filter factor, the KN mask is divided into 6 categories: KN90, KN95, KN100, KP90, KP95, KP100 (In which a full mask does not include KN90 and KP90). The KN95 dust respirator is an oil-free respirator that is up to 95% more effective in dust filtration than dustproof masks with self-absorbing filters.

1.2. What is an N95 mask?

The N95 standard is one of the criteria used to evaluate the dust filtering ability of a mask, due to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health published by the US National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety. Of which:

  • The letter “N” stands for Not Resistant to Oil
  • The number 95 denotes the ability to filter 95% of particles of microscopic to 0.3 micrometer

* 0.3 micrometres is equivalent to the size of virus, bacteria. These are microscopic particles of dust that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Another is called PM 2.5 ultrafine dust.

The N95 respirator works as a filter for dust:

  • Dust, factory, factory and industrial emissions
  • Emissions from vehicles such as cars and motorcycles
  • Dust dust from construction works, dust on the streets with vehicles
  • Ashes from garbage burning activities
  • Dust from agricultural activities such as burning straw , ashes from cooking and cooking, and from local people.

→ In short, N95 is the US standard for dust masks. Meanwhile, the KN95 mask is the Chinese standard for dust masks. According to some experts, if you care about dustproof percentage, the N95 and KN95 are the same. It is also equivalent to European standards (FFP2), Australia (P2), Korea (KMOEL), Japan (DS). However, in addition to the origin of the standard, what are the differences between N95 and KN95. Stay tuned for the next part of the article.

2. Analyze the difference between KN95 and N95 masks through the evaluation index

2.1. Review score

According to some experts, Chinese standard KN95 mask based on GB2626-2006 has some difference from N95 in rating.

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(Table 1) KN95 and N95 masking assessment index

From the table 1 mentioned above, we can see that KN95 and N95 have many similarities in evaluation indexes such as resistance to breathing, filtration efficiency, tightness of breathing valves, headbands, field of view, parts requirements. , manufacturer’s information … However, the KN95 index adds leakage, dead space, airtight, cleaning and disinfection, flammable …

2.2. Requirements of technical indicators

The table below will compare the requirements of the main specifications of the KM95 and N95 dust masks.

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(Table 2) – Requirements of the main technical indicators of dust masks KM95 and N95.

From the table 2 above it can be seen that there is a difference in the stats required for the N95 and the KN95 mask.

– The requirement for the relative respiratory resistance of the KN95 respirator (In 1 GB 2626-2019) is quite similar to that of the N95. However, GB 2626-2019 the respiratory resistance requirements have been adjusted and for the breathing valve has set its own rules. & Nbsp;

– With the KN95 mask, the headband is subjected to a tensile test, while an N95 respirator has no specific requirements.

– KN95 respirator has specific requirements for the items: Dead space, image field. In it, the N95 mask does not.

2.3. Test method

Next is the difference in test methodology between the rating indexes of the KN95 and N95 respirator.

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(Table 3) Comparison of testing methods for masks

It can be seen from Table 3 that in testing filtration efficiency, test conditions of KN95 and N95 respirators are similar. But when going into details: Pretreatment of the sample, the sample size is completely different. & Nbsp;

2.4. Parameter for breathing valve air tightness test

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Through the table above can be seen, the sample size and pre-treatment of the two types of masks are the same. However, the test condition has a difference.

3. Summary

As can be seen, the biggest difference between KN95 and N95 respirators from origin, rating, technical requirements to tightness of the breathing valve … Although the numbers have differences However, the dust filter N95 and KN95 are always a reliable choice for those who care about their own health. Hopefully this article has helped you distinguish N95 dust masks and KN95 dust filters. If you still have any problems or questions, please contact us to find out more!


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